I’d much rather engage with your audience in a different way. You see, ‘conference fatigue’ is very real. Delegates are nowhere near as excited or upbeat about your company event any more – because they’ve figured out what usually happens…

A darkened room and session after session of info-dumping from internal company presenters who aren’t passing muster.

That’s exactly why I’ve been able to build a successful career in professional speaking at over 2 600 conferences in 38 countries to date around the globe. I get asked to speak a lot, on the subjects of change or trends and helping people and businesses understand how to get closer to their markets, as a ‘good’ professional speaker lifts the overall tone and theme of an event. It’s what I do, I love doing and am good at. Now, don’t get me wrong… I’d love you to consider as at speaker at your next event… but here’s what really gets me fired up at the moment. Creating real dialogue.

Instead of delivering the usual monologues at your next event, consider this – it’s far better to engage the entire room and everyone in it properly, and to start to use the event for so much more than just a traditional speaking conference. Consider how much it costs to put an event together. Why not capitalise on what you’re creating by actually using a portion of the time during the conference day instead to actually glean some real, solid and practical information from the attendees?

I’ve created something called ‘Team Thinking’to do just this – actual 45 to 90 minute interventions which I can deliver either with a conference speech or on their own – which challenge your audience and has them create, develop and give back some meaningful dialogue, which is of maximum value to the interests of the business or company, in a structured, safe, enjoyable, and engaging manner?

I’ve developed a number of these interventions along with some of the world’s best professional speakers purpose-built for 2017 – and you can use them to get right to the heart of your business issues and your delegates in a manner which not only invigorates people again, but lets them feel they have been seen, heard – and listened to. Putting ‘the meat’ back into your event, and generating a wealth of valuable, real and timeous data that matters.

If you’d like to know more – contact me and ask for a fact sheet or let’s have a chat. Clients who’ve used this Team Thinking process have been blown away during 2016. HR, Marketing, Sales and Production people have lapped up the information we generate on a company’s behalf and say it makes a meaningful, tangible difference.

Sure, I can speak (as my infographic with this article shows) – but I, and my colleagues, can offer you so much more.